March 29, 2007

The Most Useless Webpage Titles

An earlier entry described how important webpage titles can be in attracting visitors. Visible, bold, larger font, title keywords in search results encourage searchers to click. The closer titles get to echoing searchers queries, the more they will click.

I collected this list of the five most common errors with examples of useless titles.
Have I missed any?

Common Mistakes with Webpage Titles.
  • No titles at all.
  • Useless titles; “New page 1” “Welcome”
  • The same title for every page.
  • The same very long title for every page.
  • Template titles; “About”, “Contact”, “Location”, “Products”, “Services” etc.

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Simron

    The 5 points you have mentioned above regarding Webpage Titles are all right. But I would like to add some points, that are-
    1. Title without targeted keyword.
    2. Use of the keywords at the end of the webpage titles.
    3. Non-relevancy of the title with the content of that page.

    28 Apr 2007, 07:09

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