June 11, 2008

Sites joins the Business set of Google Aps – Team Edition

Writing about web page http://googlesitesblog.blogspot.com/

Simple, secure group websitesGoogle are bringing together their collaborative applications into packages aimed at business. All the usual web-based tools are there; Gmail, Docs, Talk, Calendar and Home page. To this they have added Google Sites which can be used to create collaborative public websites and intranets. Sites emerged from Google’s acquisition of JotSpot and is completely different from GooglePages.

A first look at Google Sites reveals a professional look and access control but it lacks the range of templates, widgets and tools of the older GooglePages. It also fails, yet, to match the integrated corporate feel of Microsoft’s Office Live Small Business, MSOLSB. Google’s paid offer remains simple at £25 per year per user. The MS Live pricing model was discussed in this posting .

Google will catch up fast chasing the MS Live benchmark but I will not be recommending the Google approach until they can register, import and manage domain names as well as MSOLSB.

Google’s blog sites, www.blogger.com , now have a domain registration partner as well as permissions control for up to 100 authors. This proves that Google continues to progress. Sites.Google has multi-users but no domain registration and Pages.Google has neither.

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