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May 11, 2012

Improved Keyword Quality Score Information

Writing about web page http://ppcpromotion.co.uk/quality-scores

I have blogged about some concerns raised by a couple of the changes announced in the Adwords Blog recently.

keyword quality score ranking panelMany of the changes to the interface are positive and one improvement has been the new improved ‘speech bubble’ pop-up panels for these three measures

  1. Predicted Click-Through-Rates.
  2. Advert Relevance.
  3. Landing page experience.

These are ranked above average, average or below average compared to other advertisers.

The example, right, helped a client to understand that even with a 10/10 experience they could still improve their visitor’s landing page experience.

You can find out more about how to see these panels, how they are calculated and how to improve them on my Keyword Quality Scores page.

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