January 09, 2007

Half of all visitors to WMCCM use their own unique search term.

Writing about web page http://www.wmccm.co.uk

The last 30,000 visitors to www.wmccm.co.uk referred by search engines used just over 20,000 different search terms.

The most popular search terms are used by hundreds of visitors resulting in over 15,000 terms being used uniquely by only one visitor.
These visitors may have used other more popular terms but half of our visitors came up with their own search term.

This diversity of terms is generated by the permutations of relatively few key words. One architectural balustrade company recorded over 2000 search terms and 66% of those contained the stem variants of balustrade, balustrading, etc or hand rail, handrail etc.

The diversity is created by refinement, copying phrases, sorting into alaphabetical order by meta search engines, etc. These visitors were brought to these pages by the search engines because they addressed the human audience and used natural, varied, english. This “long tail” of unique search terms cannot be addressed by mechanical key term stuffing.

- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Alex

    Yes Jenny, you are right. As per the above information, search engines give priority to net surfers. Day-by-day search engines are adopting various advanced techniques to provide their information in a better way and the main objective behind is visitor satisfaction. The more the visitors get satisfaction; the higher the popularity of that search engine. All these increase the space for a new search engine. Since people are using different unique search terms during searching, these ‘long tail’ of unique search terms can’t be addressed by mechanical key term stuffing. That’s why presently search engines are using a new technique known as “Latent Semantic Indexing”. In this way, search engines are not only giving priority to keyword but also relevancy of the content.

    12 Jul 2007, 06:57

  2. Robert McGonigle

    This comment on an old Blog entry raised alarm bells for me. The intro, Yes Jenny, was also a clue that this was generated by cutting and pasteing. The reply agrees with my point and built on the idea.

    Often comments are added to old forum entries and Blogs to build up backlinks to your site, so I followed Alex’s link. This was a SEO business that offered a wide range of services including some that I do not recommend such as search engine submissions. When I looked further this company does not do this automatically with autolisters but manually submit to the search engines. They can do this because they are based in India and can afford to use people. The Blog entry was also manually created, if a bit sloppily, so I have not deleted it.

    Their main service of optimising pages could also be effective if english or US pages are modified by Indian nationals. Their slightly different, more correct grammar, will help mix up the keywords generating more visitors from ‘the long tail’ of language.

    I will Blog again about the importance of word order.

    13 Jul 2007, 09:56

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