Google Adwords in other Languages
Writing about web page
I only write Google text adverts in two languages;
UK English and US English.
- To optimise their bidding.
- To split test with 2 or more Adverts.
- To echo back the Search Query of the user on one group with a wide variety of terms.

Within 2 days Mr Armoutis of reported back:
Your suggested changes has trebled the CTR from 1.72% to 5.4% whilst the cost per click has dropped from over 10c to 4c. More importantly the campaign has delivered its first verified phone order. Thank you for your help.
The simple echoing of the searcher’s query works in any language as demonstrated by eBay. Good split-tested Advert Copy for tightly grouped search terms can do better again but this technique can help identify the best groups of words to move into their own group first.
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