January 31, 2007

Cactus Garden in Marjorelle Gardens, Marrakesh

Writing about web page http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/markswift

Mark Swift has sucessfully completed his latest adventures in the desert in Africa to Timbukto, see the Kramblog, and watch out for the photos & videos! He has reminded me that the part of his trip that this softie would g back to was Morrocco and particularly Marrakesh.

This blog was also lacking colour again so here is a photo of Jacques Majorelle’s Studio and Gardens in Marrakesh.

There are more Morrocan photos over at My Flickr Photos feed, left.

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Sean

    I looked on Flickr for Gardens in Marrakesh and 6 of the first 10 were of the Majorelle Gardens but yours were the only photos labelled as such. The most photogenic gardens in Marrakesh? The look to be a must visit.

    28 Feb 2007, 16:02

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