October 06, 2009

Analogue Cable Switch–off rolls on down M5

Writing about web page http://ddaerials.com/tv-aerials/4g-freeview-interference

Analogue TV CableMy Analytics revealed that visitors searching for “Virgin Media Complaints” had grown again over the last fortnight with over 100 searchers using this and related queries.

So I searched the web to see what could be causing this?
I found that November was a big shut-off month down the M5:

=== October ===
1st. Virgin Media will today Switch Off Analogue Cable in the following areas:
Basildon, Birmingham/Small Heath. Grimsby, Hemel Hempstead, Norwich,
South London/Croydon, Sussex (Brighton), Thames Valley (Reading), Warwick.

=== November ===
2nd. Virgin Media will today Switch Off Analogue Cable in the following areas:
Belfast & Derry, Haringey, Camden, Enfield, Hackney & Islington,
Stafford, Lichfield & Tamworth, Teesside (Stockton, Darlington & Middlesbrough), Uddingston,
Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell, Telford, Kidderminster, Redditch, Wessex (Poole & Bournemouth).

Lets face it, with price hikes and the steady removal of channels, anyone still left on the Analogue cable service must have real reception problems, an aversion to Sky or other problems. So I think that my mate Niki Chan’s Digital Direct Aerials team will be busy with the other Freeview & Freesat aerial & dish installers in Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Dudley, Stourbridge, Redditch etc.

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