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March 20, 2024

It's sort of pass by reference, ish

When teaching Fortran, it's often tempting to describe it as a "pass by reference" language. This is almost true. Unfortunately as the phrase has it, "almost only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades" and "almost true" in programming terms isn't usually good enough. All too often, the sort of complicated technical thing that should only matter to an expert trips up plenty of beginners who, like the Inexperienced Swordsman "doesn't do the thing he ought to do"

So what's the truth? The truth is that most of the time things work just like pass-by-reference because they are expected to look just as if they were. But actually, they are allowed to do a "copy-in copy-back" process, as long as the final result has the expected changes. Copies can be expensive, so compilers don't tend to actually do this without a good reason.

The place this usually comes to our notice is when we use slices of arrays. For example, we can take every second element of an array in Fortran, very easily. Or we can take half of a 2-dimensional array (in the row direction). Both of these are valid "array slices" but both consist of data that is not contiguous in memory. Items do not follow each other one after the other in memory.

But in Fortran, we can pass these to some function that expects just "an array". Now imagine what would have to happen to do a true "pass by reference" here. The compiler would have to pass the array, and then enough information to "slice out" only the values we wanted. This would be pretty weird, and if we passed that value on to another function also expecting an array, it could easily get out of control. So instead, the compiler will tend to generate the code to copy the values in the slice into a temporary array, use them there, and copy them back when we are done. To us, everything will work seamlessly.

That is, as long as we do what we're supposed to, everything works. But if we start breaking rules, we can get some very odd behaviour from this. Compilers are like puppies - they trust us to keep our promises. In fact, they rely on this so much that they simply assume that we will! When we don't funny things happen.

The following code is modified from this old post to use modern Fortran.

MODULE mymod


SUBROUTINE set_to_two(B, C)
DO I = 1, 10
B(I) = 2.0


USE mymod

A = 1.0
CALL set_to_two(A, A(1:10:2))


Pretty simple code - it takes an array and sets every value to 2.0. For some reason it also takes a second unused irrelevant parameter, but we can ignore that one, surely?

Run that code, as written with current gfortran, and this is the result:

1.00000000  2.00000000  1.00000000  2.00000000  1.00000000  2.00000000  1.00000000  2.00000000  1.00000000  2.00000000  

The code is bad - passing A as two different parameters to a function violates a promise we make as programmers not to alias variables (call them by two different names). But even knowing this we're pretty surprised to get that result! In particular, on my machine, if I call the function with CALL set_to_two(A, A(2:6)) which violates the aliasing rules just as badly, nothing odd happens at all, and all I get is A = 2.0. In this case, the compiler is able to avoid a potentially costly copy as the data is contiguous even though it's a slice.

It's pretty obvious what is actually happening once we know about the copy-back idea. Because the compiler trusted us not to have two names for the same piece of data (the names here being B and C, and the data being A) it happily copies data for the C argument, copying it back at the end. This copy is never affected by the update to B so its content remains 1.0. That gets copied back into A, overwriting the changes we'd made.

This can happen even though we never use C in the function, so nothing actually changes - that second irrelevant argument is not so irrelevant after all.

Take Home Point

The real take-home point here is not to upset your compiler - don't do things wrong and these sorts of details wont matter. But when things do go wrong, it can be pretty helpful to understand what is actually going on.

Honestly a lot of the bugs we write as programmers are a case of miscommunication - what we thought we were writing is not what we actually have said. This is expecially true with modern optimising compilers, which very liberally agree to produce a program that works "as if" it was the one we wrote, and will happily omit things that do not affect the results, or, as in this case, will assume that we are writing correct code and act accordingly.

Fortran is usually a lot nicer to us than C/C++ in terms of undefined behaviour, but as this example shows, it will still do strange things if we break the rules.

September 10, 2019

New snippets series: WINKT

Super short blog post to start a new snippets series. Along with our SOUP series (Snippet of the <Undefined Period>) we're trying out a new way of posting. WINKT (Well I Never Knew That) is a place for all those things that we stumble across that don't warrant a complete post, but are interesting (if you're a giant geek, anyway).

Fortran Variable Declarations

To start the series off, something I never thought about in Fortran: when you declare a variable with multiple attributes, what is the Left-Hand side comma-separated list actually doing? I was reading a Doctor Fortran post about the potential pitfalls of blindly applying every attribute you might wantand saw his final example of applying (here erroneously) the DIMENSION keyword to a variable in a separate line. "Wait, " I said, "can you do that?" I wrote a quick example, compiled it (with strict standards adherence) and proclaimed "Well I Never Knew That!"

What am I talking about here? Well, consider creating an array of integers. You'll usually write something like:


for a 2-D array. As it turns out, you could equivalently write this as

DIMENSION :: I(:, :)

adding the attributes across several lines.

The comma-separated lists of attributes on the left of the double-colon are effectively "stacking" the attributes, but each attribute can also be applied separately.

In that example, it's clearly a bit silly and unwieldy, but it's something you might see "in the wild" and perhaps be confused by, so worth knowing. In some examples, it might actually help make things clear, with, for example, attributes such as SAVE or INTENTs, which can sometimes get "lost in the noise" of declarations. So rather than

 INTEGER :: j, k

I could write

INTEGER :: i, j, k
 SAVE :: i

This might look clearer, especially if I have more stacked attributes.

This is probably not something I will ever use, and I am not sure I would recommend it, since it looks a bit unexpected, and generally code should avoid unexpectedness. But it did show up to me just how the attribute lists must be working, and was an interesting ten minutes.

August 21, 2019

Fortran Memory Management II

Follow-up to Fortran Memory Management from Research Software Engineering at Warwick

This month we're going to cover the question of what to watch out for with using ALLOCATABLEs in Fortran.

Array bounds in functions

Fortran arrays have the very nice property that their indices don't have to run from any specific value to any specific value. So if you want an array that runs from -3 to 103 that's fine. You can allocate it as


This maps quite neatly maps onto lots of scientific use cases so you quite often see arrays with explicit upper and lower bounds in real world Fortran codes. You can check the upper and lower bounds easily enough using the UBOUND and LBOUND functions

  PRINT *, LBOUND(array), UBOUND(array)

Produces the output "-3 103" as you'd expect. But there is a wrinkle. What if you move those calls to LBOUND and UBOUND into a function?

  SUBROUTINE print_array(array)
    PRINT *, LBOUND(array), UBOUND(array)
  END SUBROUTINE print_array

  USE mdl

  CALL print_array(array)

The result now is "1 107". The same number of elements but the lower bound has been moved back to the Fortran default of 1. This is the default behaviour of Fortran when you pass an array into a function; the lower bound is reset to 1. You can override this behaviour to specify the lower bound of the array in the function (INTEGER, DIMENSION(-3:), INTENT(IN) :: array will specify that the lower bound is -3), you can even pass in a parameter to the function to specify what the lower bound is (simply pass in an integer parameter and use it in the DIMENSION option in the same way that I used -3 before) but you can't just use the lower bound that the array was given when it was created. However, if you flag the array argument to the function as either ALLOCATABLE or POINTER things are different.

  SUBROUTINE print_array(array)
    PRINT *, LBOUND(array), UBOUND(array)
  END SUBROUTINE print_array

  USE mdl

  CALL print_array(array)

This version of the code looks almost identical but now reports the lower and upper bounds as -3 and 103. In fact, you now can't override the bounds of your array even if you wanted to (if you try putting the lower bound in the DIMENSION part of the parameter definition in the function the code will fail to compile). The main downside is that you now can only pass ALLOCATABLE arrays to the function because the main purpose of applying the ALLOCATABLE option to the parameter is to allow you to allocate and deallocate the array inside the function. The POINTER attribute works in much the same way but only for POINTER arrays

Mostly this sort of thing isn't too much of a problem but you do have to be careful. If you have a function that takes a normal non-ALLOCATABLE parameter then it's tempting to simply recognize that the array lower bound will start from 1 inside the function and write the function accordingly. The problem is that if you ever then have cause to add the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute to the function then you'll have to completely rewrite the function because suddenly the lower bound is no longer under your control. It's generally a good idea to always specify the lower bound of an array argument to a function, either through a fixed value if it's always the same for all arrays that the function will be used on or by passing in the lower bound as a parameter to the function.

Automatic Reallocation

The fact that Fortran allows you to do whole array operations is another feature that makes it well suited to scientific programming but there are some features that can be mixed blessings. One feature that was added to Fortran 2003 is that if you do a whole array assignment to an allocatable array that is either not allocated or is allocated to be a different size than the source array then the array will be reallocated to match the size of the source. To give an example


  INTEGER, DIMENSION(-3:103) :: src
  array = src
  PRINT *, LBOUND(array), UBOUND(array)

This program always feels like it's invalid but from Fortran 2003 onwards it is completely valid and will give you lower bound of -3 and upper bound of 103 because "array" is automatically allocated when "src" is assigned to it. In this example "array" is not allocated before I used it but if it was then it would have been silently deallocated and reallocated to the new size. This is quite useful for many purposes, it allows you to return an array from a function and just store it in an allocatable array and have everything magically work, and sometimes you do want to do literally what I'm doing in this example and make a copy of an array. Why would this ever be a disadvantage? Because it can make debugging much harder by moving the place where the bug occurs. Imagine the following situation


  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: array1, array2
  INTEGER :: i

  !The incorrect allocation of array2 is a typo
  ALLOCATE(array1(-3:103), array2(-2:103))
  array2 = 1

  array1 = 5 * array2
  DO i = -2, 103
    array1(i) = array(i) - array(i-1)


This program does nothing even remotely useful but it has the same structure as a real program that I had a problem with. There was an error in the size of an array that was then used in an array assignment. The assignment caused a reallocation of "array1" then then meant that the later loop was iterating over more items than the array now had so it crashed during the operation of that loop. Specifically the first iteration of the loop is trying to access the -3 element that now no longer exists. The loop in fact was perfectly well written for how the code should have been working but due to the error in the allocation of array2 the code was now crashing there. Without the implicit reallocation the error could have much more easily been traced to the array assignment (that in the real code was much further away from the crash site than in this simple example). There are a surprising number of ways of tripping this behaviour and causing errors in unrelated parts of your code because of this behaviour so if you get very unexpected array behaviour you should watch out for this one.

A question that then quite often comes up is if you can suppress this behaviour if you don't want it, and you definitely can. Most compilers have an option to disable the behaviour entirely (-fno-realloc-lhs in gfortran for example) and equally assigning to an array sectiondoesn't trigger the behaviour so


  INTEGER, DIMENSION(-3:103) :: src
  array(:) = src
  PRINT *, LBOUND(array), UBOUND(array)

will crash because you are assigning to an unallocated array. Some people say that from F2003 onwards you should probably always do array assignment to an array section if you don't want to invoke the automatic reallocation behaviour. I wouldn't go quite that far but you should definitely consider the question of if any odd bugs that you have are related to the automatic reallocation behaviour

August 07, 2019

Fortran Memory Management

Memory Managment

Manually Managing

Memory management is one of the banes of the programmer's life in almost all programming languages. In many languages, such as C, you have to manually pair up all allocations of memory with associated deallocations or you will "leak" memory as your program runs. (Strictly a "memory leak" is when you create memory that you then lose track of in some way, so that you can't then deallocate it even if you want to. From the perspective of your program crashing when you run out of memory there's no difference between a true leak and just piling up unused but technically available memory somewhere so I tend to use the term a bit loosely).

Collecting the Garbage

Other languages, like Java, use mechanisms for counting how many times you use an item and when the last reference to an item is removed then the item will be deleted by something that is generally called a "garbage collector". The problem with these languages is that the garbage collector runs only periodically, not every time an item has its last reference released, so memory use can increase due to items that will be deleted when the garbage collector next runs but haven't been deleted yet.

Destructive Magic

Still other languages like C++ use objects that have systems of constructor and destructor functions that create memory when an object is created and release the memory when the object is deleted. This doesn't immediately sound like it's very helpful because surely that's still just a different way of saying that you have to have matched allocation and deallocation logic? The advantage comes from the fact that simple variables (like integers, floats etc.) don't have these memory management problems, the compiler automatically knows the lifetimes of these variables: they're either global variables the exist for the entire time that the code runs or they are local to a function and exist only when you are in that function (or in other functions called from that function etc.).

So long as you are dealing with a single instance of a C++ class and not a pointer to one or more of them then the compiler has the same level of lifetime guarantee that it has with the simple variables, and so long as the class knows how to allocate its memory when it is created (constructor function) and deallocate its memory when the compiler decides that it is finished with (destructor function) you don't have to worry about matching every single creation of the object with a matching destruction, you simply create them when you want them and let the compiler get rid of them when you are finished with them. To be strictly correct, modern C++ actually recommends against a developer doing memory management at all and recommends using STL containers to hold your data (which do the memory management themselves internally and have correctly implemented constructors and destructors). It really is a good idea to do this but scientific and research codes quite often find the odd edge cases where manually allocating and deallocating memory is the easiest solution.

Getting it for Free (Fortran Rules, OK?)

Since mostly in academic programming we tend to be working with arrays, C++ style objects are a fairly heavyweight way of dealing with problems of allocating and deallocating memory. It feels like it should be possible to have the same advantage of simply allocating an array when you need one but keep the advantage of allowing the compiler to automatically infer the lifetime of the variable and deallocate it when the lifetime is over without needing to go to a fully garbage collected model. In C that isn't really possible because arrays are mostly just pointers and the compiler can't be sure that a pointer is the only pointer to a block of memory. Programming would be impossible if your memory was deallocated as soon as any pointer to that memory went out of scope! But in more restrictive languages it is possible and fortunately Fortran is one of the languages that does have an option to do exactly that, and it's probably a feature of the language that you are already familiar with : the humble ALLOCATABLE array.

Allocatable Arrays in Fortran

Fortran allocatable arrays are very easy to use and anyone working in modern Fortran is probably familiar with them, but their properties are often not so well understood. For example to someone with a C background it feels as though this function should leak memory badly.

  SUBROUTINE alloc_fn(els)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: els


but it actually doesn't leak any memory at all (although it equally doesn't do anything useful here). It also doesn't crash because you are trying to reallocate an already allocated array. The Fortran standard requires that when an allocatable array goes out of scope it should be deallocated, so that function will run allocate the array as requested and then deallocate it again as soon as the function is over. One question that you might then ask is "What about if I did want the array to stick around?", and as usual in Fortran that is possible by using the SAVE attribute to the array

  SUBROUTINE alloc_fn(els)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: els

    IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(array)) ALLOCATE(array(els))

You'll notice that this time I've had to test if the array is allocated because otherwise I would wind up trying to allocate it twice and that will cause a runtime error. That is actually another nice feature of Fortran allocatable arrays that protects you from getting a common way of getting a memory leak in C - you cannot allocate an already allocated allocatable array. You can deallocate memory using a DEALLOCATE(array) statement and this can be useful if you want to explicitly manage the lifetime of your memory, for example if you have large intermediate arrays in a calculation that you don't want to have hanging around while you allocate other intermediate arrays. Many style guides do recommend manually deallocating memory on leaving a function, but that's mainly just a combination of caution and working round (mostly very old) broken compilers that don't comply with the standard.

Simple enough so far, but are there any pitfalls? Yes, but they tend to be a bit subtle.

Show your Intentions

Since Fortran 2003 an array argument to a function can have the "ALLOCATABLE" property, and that means that you can allocate and deallocate the array inside the function, for example

SUBROUTINE alloc_fn(els, array)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: els

    IF (ALLOCATED(array)) THEN
      PRINT *, "Deallocating"
    END IF

Nothing terribly surprising there. I call my function the first time on an unallocated array and it silently allocates, and if I call it again then it prints "Deallocating" and reallocates the array to the new size.

But what if I switch the INTENT argument of the array from "INOUT" (meaning that I can both read and write data to the array) to "IN" (meaning that I can read data from the array but not make changes). Happily as you might expect the compiler refuses to compile this code because it involves making changes to the array and I've specified that I can only read data from it.

But what about if I switch the intent to "OUT" (meaning that I can put data in the array but not read data from it)? You would probably expect this to work because I'm not using data from the array, but on second thoughts you might expect it to fail because I am testing the allocation status of the array. Well, if you try it it compiles, it runs and it allocates the array as expected. The strange thing is that the "Deallocating" print statement never triggers, and this is exactly how Fortran reads the "INTENT(OUT)" statement for allocatable arrays. Since INTENT(OUT) is supposed to mean that you don't take any information from this variable you must be assuming that it is not allocated when it enters the function SO IT DEALLOCATES IT IF IT IS ALLOCATED! This is useful but you have to be very careful! The same behaviour happens for types that contain allocatable components so watch out!

Coming Next - Pitfalls of Allocatables

There are more things to watch out for with Fortran allocatables, including the behaviour of array bounds when they are passed into functions in different ways, automatic reallocation of variables during array assignment (that sounds good but can cause absolute chaos!), the behaviour of types containing allocatable components and a few similar bits, but those will have to wait for part 2 of this post.

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