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July 30, 2018

Committing Sins

A short one again, this time about commit messages. Some of this, particularly the message formats, is specific to Git, but the rest applies to any version control system, even the trivial one of saving a timestamped version of code files.

What I say here has been said many times, but it always bears repeating, because things like this don't matter... until they do, and you're rummaging through weeks of messages looking for some key word you don't recall and trawling through endless useless messages that only say "Fixed a bug" or "Cleaned up code". Having a code history is only useful when you come to use it, usually when something has gone a bit wrong, at which point you want concise, meaningful and absolutely correct data.

The Unwritten Rules

First, there are some simple rules on how a git commit message should be formatted, that are a bit hard to find written down, although some editors like Vim will highlight commit messages according to them. They are noted in the Discussion section of the man page for git-commit too and are discussed here. The expanded rules are:

  1. Follow any specific rules for a particular project first!
  2. The first line is the subject, and should be less than 50 characters.
  3. The second line must be blank. Any text here is ignored.
  4. The subsequent lines are the message body, and should generally be less than 72 characters.
  5. Use as many lines as you like, but be concise. If you need paragraphs, put blank lines between them
  6. If your code uses an issue tracker, include reference numbers for connected bugs etc
  7. Explain why, and what in the broad sense (see next section)

DRYness and Wit

Next, one of the overarching themes in programming is 'Don't repeat yourself' (DRY). As soon as information appears in two different places, you risk them becoming out of sync, and double the work of changing or understanding the thing. I talked about this a bit in the last post under the banner of "self documenting code". There, the idea is to let the code speak for itself, rather than trying to explain it with comments, saving your comments for the 'whys' and the information not available this way. Commit messages are the same. Anybody can look at the changes you made to the code, and know what precisely you did. The message is your chance to tell them why you did this, how this fixes a problem or what was wrong.

XKCD has a comic on this (he always does) and there are many humoroussites, some ruderthan others, as well as endless blog, forum and user guide entries with their own ideas about what is best. I like to mention once again the 'Principle of least surprise'. Make sure your code does nothing surprising in light of your message. For instance, NEVER commit something with message"Whitespace changes" if it does other things too!

Making History

Finally, there is the question of how large, how contained and how functional commits should be. As usual, there are as many theories about this are there are programmers. Some like to commit little and often, and before sharing that branch with anybody, squash togetherchunks into logical blocks. Some consider that to be a forbidden sort of rewriting of history. There are many, many ways to manage your work, and few rules. But:

  1. Alwaysfollow any guidelines for the project you're working on first and foremost!
  2. Anything you share should compile (if relevant) and run, although it needn't work in all respects. Otherwise, tracking when a bug was introduced can be a nightmare, particularly once your part-working code is merged with somebody else's and the result does what neither of you expected. See below for more.
  3. A large feature should probably be spread across several commits - building it up piece by piece.
  4. What you share should make sense. It's OK to try things out, find they don't work, and go back, but you probably only want that to be part of the history if its useful in showing why it didn't work.

Note: There is a crucial difference between code which is written to not work, and code which doesn't work. The former is things such as a function called 'is_thingy' always returning 'false'. The latter is that function returning something undefined (in fact, one release of the GCC C compiler had exactly the former for its regular-expression parsing code, always returning no-match). However it is usually acceptable for such a function to return an error, or throw an exception, because the calling code can handle that.


There's nothing in here that hasn't been said many times before, but the real take away is pretty simple - whatever strategy for messages, comments and code style, it should always be about increasing what you know about the code, not repeating it!

June 13, 2018

Fix Me

Fancy Latex Customisation

Writing up notes and papers, I often find that I want to leave myself reminders, hints and other snippets that I'd rather didn't make it into the final draft. Or I want to collate notes from throughout my text into a file I can put in my appendix, such as a list of future work. I often think of Latex as just a typesetting language, but Tex itself is actually a fully Turing complete language and Latex isn't too far off. The hardest bit of Turing completeness is usually the ability to do conditional branches which Latex can do with a bit of work. Thankfully there's a common package that takes some of the load off us.

NOTE: many journals wont accept manuscripts containing custom commands, so don't forget to remove your commands from papers you submit in future.

The Latex snippets are available on our Github page and are described below in more detail.

Defining Latex Commands

Firstly, we use the Latex \newcommand to do some custom formatting we can easily vary, in this case to make our text bold. \newcommand is fairly simple. The syntax is


where the parts in <> should be replaced with appropriate text. Thist creates a command called "name", taking "n_args" arguments and applies "command". The arguments are referred to using a '#' within your command, as in the following example where we feed the text inside the \fbrtext braces into \textbf.


If there are no arguments, you can omit the [<n_args>] part entirely.

We can define as many commands this way as we like, but they must not be already defined. To redefine something, use \renewcommand (but carefully, making sure not to clobber something important like \section).

Collating Snippets with Output Streams

The first snippet is to collate some things into a file so we can review things we'd like to fix or add to our document before we release it. Snippet 1 is a simple Latex document which does this. We put the commands in a .tex file named ReleaseFixes, and include this into our main document, so that we can reuse it easily.

The core part of this is a package called "newfile" which allows you to write to files as the Latex compilation runs. This is how things like index and glossary packages work at heart, creating a temporary file that can then be included. This package lets us create "streams" for output, that we can write to, which may be familiar from Java, C++ or other languages. We name our stream "releasefixes", and then open a file to which it should output.

Now we create the main command, which takes one argument, a text chunk. This chunk will appear in our document in bold red text, and will also appear in our output file. In the output file, it'll show the line number (in the input .tex file) where the text appears. We could also include the page number in the output pdf if we wanted or other such useful commands.

Including Snippets into our Document

Perhaps we want to include the snippets we've generated into an appendix, so that we can send the draft to somebody else and they have a handy list of all the changes we want to make, or things we need filling in. Or maybe we want to use a similar command to list the changes we've made to a draft for easy review.

In Snippet2 we adjust our command so that rather than creating a simple text file, we put a '\item' command at the start of every item. Then we add a section to our document, and include the file we generated, inside an \itemize environment. This should give a neat bullet-pointed list of things to fix.

This doesn't quite work yet: the stream seems to be empty at the point where we read it, even though the file is complete when we look afterwards. When you have an unexpectedly empty output file it is usually because the stream didn't get "flushed". Flushing an output stream means moving its contents from a buffer in memory to the actual output file. This could be done every time we write to the stream, but if we do lots of tiny writes it is much slower this way than waiting until we have "enough" and writing in a chunk.

Normally, output flushing happens when the compile ends and everything gets closed, but we want access to our file before this. So we insert an explicit \closeoutputstream in just before our new section to write the file immediately, and then we can open it for input. We include its contents, and they are then typeset just like a static included file.

Using ifthen to Typeset Variants

Suppose that rather than showing us the changes, we want a way to include or exclude them from the output file entirely. This is really easy to do with a quick edit, because we just redefine our \fbr command to omit the text instead, and compile again. Easy for one command, but what if we have several things we want to change for our "draft" mode? It's tedious and error prone to edit them all.

A perfectly good solution for this precise case, by the way, is to create two versions of our "ReleaseFixes.tex" file, one for draft mode, and one for release mode, and edit our file to swap between them

\include{ReleaseFixes_draft.tex} %Swap with next line for release


However, this is a good demonstration of conditionals, so let's try that. In Snippet3 we use the package "ifthen" which provides an "ifthenelse" command, that looks like

\ifthenelse{<condition>}{<command if true>}{<command else>}

The package allows us to define boolean flags. We define one called usered which chooses whether our text should be output in bold or red-bold.

However we can only define flags after we've include the package, and we'd prefer the draft mode selection it in our main document. So we define a normal command, \draft, and check if this is defined instead. We adjust the \fbr command to do nothing in release mode (\draft not defined) or to give us bold text (red if the flag says so) and a file entry in draft mode. Then by un/commenting line 6 of Document.tex we control the final form.


Latex typesetting gets a lot easier once you have a few simple commands at hand. It gets a lot more powerful once you add the ability to do conditionals. "Clever" commands like this should be used with caution, since anybody who wants to compile the document needs the relevant packages, but they are very handy when you need them, and can save a lot of time and effort. And do remember that you'll probably have to remove anything like this if you submit Latex to journals.

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