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All entries for December 2017

December 20, 2017

SOUP (Snippet of the Undefined Period)

Every-so-often we come across an interesting, imaginative, instructive or idiomatic code snippet. These can be amusing bugs, a task completed in several languages, or exemplars of how to do something well. Because we post them as and when we find them, they appear at unspecifed times, so we named them Snippet of the <Undefined Period> (SOUP). This gives us a nice acronym and is about as humorous as software engineering gets.

Often the interesting part of the code is buried in boilerplate etc, so we only post the interesting snippet directly. The full code is posted to the WarwickRSE github repository at WarwickRSE/SOUP. As a rule we try and produce a C, Fortran and a Python version of everything, with other languages on request. Comments and suggestions are welcome!

December 2017

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