All entries for Wednesday 02 May 2018

May 02, 2018

Hierarchies of Git(s)

Version Control and Git

Version control of some sort is essential in a software project. Suppose you make a change and your code no longer works - how can you go back? Suppose you find something you don't understand - who made that change? If you publish work using a code, can you recover the exact state at a later time? While carefully maintained records can go a long way, these exact problems led to the development of sophisticated version control systems which could do these things almost automtically. One of the most popular systems in use now is named 'git'.

For a basic rundown of version control, git, and why and how to use it, we have some notes here. This post is a (very brief) introduction to a useful but relatively uncommon feature, git submodules.

The name git, by the way, is no coincidence. It is a handy, pronounceable, 3-letter combination, that wasn't already in use for any Linux utilities, but also a convenient descriptor for the project creator, Linus Torvalds of Linux fame.

Great Fleas have Smaller Fleas

On one occasion we had a request for support in which a user was getting a cryptic error messages about `fatal: bad revision 'HEAD'` when attempting any git commands in any directories. In particular, he was unable to build our code because it used a `git describe` to obtain version information. After a bit of digging, we were able to work out that somewhere in a directory above our source code, he must have run a `git init` command.

This left our git repository in a invalid state and most git commands unusable. The user recalled typing the command, but not where he did it, so first we had to find the bad directory level. Since commands were failing, we could simply work upwards one directory at a time running `git describe` until we instead saw `fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)`. A better solution is to use the command `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` which displays the current top-level git repository name.

Running this, it appears he had managed to do this in his `home` directory, leaving any and all git repositories among his files in this state. Thankfully the final remedy is simple: remove the invalid git directory by simply deleting the `.git/` folder at the wrongly initialised level. Much easier than feared!


The proper way to have this sort of nested git project is using a relatively uncommon feature called submodules. These are separate git projects which can be imported and used, and are commonly used for deeply embedded library code. A submodule is a repository in its own right and can be checked out alone, and work on it should generally be done separately in this way.

For most people their only encounter with submodules will be the following two commands. When cloning a project that uses them, clone all submodules also using:

git clone --recursive [repo]

When making and removing small, temporary alterations within the submodule, some times when the submodule changes in the repository you cloned from, or any time you see a message like

-Subproject commit abc123xyz 
+Subproject commit def456uvw

in a git diff, the command:

git submodule update --recursive

will update all submodules to their current versions. The 'recursive' flag ensures all submodules, including any within other submodules, are updated.

But What Actually Are Submodules?

Basically, a submodule is a separate repository, connected to the main project. This connection is via a single commit, and a submodule within a main project is in a detached-head state. As of git 1.8.2 submodules included in a larger project can specify which branch of the submodule project to link to.

For all the gory details of working with submodules, see resources such as


For now, you can think of them as a way to include 'library' type code which is under active development into several other projects and also allow it to stand alone.

Rescuing a Bad Chain

Sadly it is not particularly difficult to make a small alteration in a submodule (such as temporarily amending a compiler flag) and find yourself with a main repository insisting that there are uncommitted changes in the submodule, or worse, an unexpected detached head somewhere. Don't lose your head over this (sorry). Sometimes the submodule update command is all you need. Other times you will have to reset all the directories. First, commit or stash any changes you want to keep! Then the command

git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard

will remove all changes in all submodules, and a final

git submodule update --recursive

should put everything back to normal.


Git submodules are a powerful, sometimes tricky feature, which basically allow the inclusion of shared code into several other projects while also letting it to stand alone, to be released as a library and/or developed as a separate project. If you encounter submodules it will probably be as simple as somebody's repo needing to be cloned with the --recursive flag. To contribute to the submodule, clone it and only it instead. If you get stuff in your `git status` about changes in a submodule within a larger project try the update command.

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