Writing early in the morning
I have just been listening to Desert Island Discs, with Sue Lawley interviewing the poet UA Fanthorpe. I've never read any of her works, having only a theoretical enthusiasm for songs without music. However, she said two things of interest. Firstly was an account of being knocked off her bike in Oxford and spending time in the JR Hospital, thus recieving my empathy vote. The second point was more significant. She described how she often gets up at 5am to start writing, and finds that the mixture of night thoughts and day thoughts can sometimes cause interesting and new ideas to emerge.
I also write best in the early morning.
I missed this one. Desert Island discs gets some fantastic people – but I don't make a point of listening as I get so irritated by Sue Lawley. The more interesting her guest the more asinine her questions seem to be.
14 May 2004, 10:38
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