May 23, 2005

Workshop paper proposal completed, finally!

Follow-up to Conference proposal: From Monadic Architecture to Nomadic Anarchitecture from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

I managed to get my proposal submitted almost on time (at 1am in fact just after the deadline). I almost didn't make it, as I stalled for two weeks whilst reading chapter 2 of The Fold. The first time I read it, i'm sure it made sense. Then when I came back for a more detailed reading, building a concept map as I worked, I was sure that Deleuze had just gone completely beserk. It made no sense. Fortunately, with just two days to go, it started to make sense again. The trick is to think about how for Descartes and for Leibniz (and later Kant) mathematics is actually an expression of something more fundamental than measurement – space, intentionality, and ultimately real time. However, the world is thankful that Deleuze never tried to teach mathematics, because he would have been absolutely hopeless at it.

You can read my proposal in the conferences section of my ePortfolio.

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