December 16, 2004

Work review, part seven – communications, reporting, and e–learning research activities

Follow-up to Work review, part six – Elab and the ELA team from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

  1. writing communications information about our activities and the university to a range of audiences including students, staff at all levels including senior officers, funding bodies and other external agencies, the general public, the e-learning community;
  2. writing publicity for staff and students about our activities;
  3. writing reports on our activities;
  4. writing reflective accounts on our activities for the e-learning research community;
  5. attending conferences;
  6. giving papers on e-learning;
  7. writing journal papers;
  8. organising conferences;
  9. desigining the e-learning web site;
  10. writing content for the e-learning web site;
  11. reading and reviewing e-learning research from external sources;
  12. planning and carrying out e-learning research.

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