Wolverhampton and Bolton, centres of the philosophical world
Writing about web page http://education.guardian.co.uk/universityguide2004/table/0,14557,1216869,00.html
Now i don't want to put down our poorer relations, but i can't imagine any possible world in which Wolverhampton and Bolton could have better philosophy departments than Warwick. And yet that's exactly what the Guardian's league tables claim. Wolverhapton even beats the LSE and Kings!
Does this prove that such systems of assessment are complete nonsense?
2 comments by 2 or more people
On the flip side of the coin, they rated Warwick's politics department far higher than the Times did. I think it may well be a case of "you win some, you lose some.
25 May 2004, 23:18
Robert O'Toole
No, i think they might be correct. After all, we offer sophisticated but irrelevant courses in Symbolic Logic, Kant, Deleuze etc, whilst Wolves teaches the much more useful:
Being Bad
Thou Shalt Not
Media Ethics
– seriously, they really are Wolves philosophy modules, the latter two are supposedly at a high level. We're doomed i say, doomed.
26 May 2004, 06:37
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