October 16, 2004

Warwick Blogs success – 1500 bloggers!

Well almost 1500. It probably will be by the time that you read this. That is, as far as we know, the world's biggest blogging community based at a University (we passed Harvard a couple of weeks ago). And we're already seeing many people using it successfully in their academic work.

When you consider that almost all of the 1500 people have never used a blog before, would probably never have started blogging, and have (with a few exceptions) signed up voluntarily, it really is impressive. Add to that the fact that no other University in the world has yet to try doing this, and that we are learning new things about blogging technology and practices constantly. I think we should be happy.

Thanks to all you Warwick Bloggers! And thanks to Kieran for putting in so much hard work to build this system.

And remember, if you have a comment or a question, please use the Warwick Blogs feedback forum

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Robert O'Toole

    And most of it was built by a single programmer.

    16 Oct 2004, 10:51

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