October 22, 2004

Warwick Blogs for PhD students – intro session

I'm running a session tomorrow morning for the Graduate School to introduce some PhD students to using blogs for research work. I will start of by covering these 10 key points about Warwick Blogs:

  1. a blog always has an owner, usually an individual, sometimes a team;
  2. the owner chooses a title, a description, and a style;
  3. it consists of a series of entries written by the owner;
  4. the latest ten entries are displayed on the homepage, you can use the calendar to see older entries;
  5. every entry has a category, there is a page that shows all of the entries in a category;
  6. there are (currently) five types of entry, including standard, follow-up, and review entries;
  7. you can allow people to comment on your entries;
  8. images can be uploaded into galleries and used in entries;
  9. the blog owner can control who can view and comment on each entry;
  10. public entries are indexed by Google.

And then I will get them to think about ways of using blogs in the research process, for example:

It will be interesting to see what other ideas they have.

- 3 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. this seems like a fantastic opportunity and i’m delighted that warwick is making this available to us.

    23 Oct 2004, 10:40

  2. So many possible uses for this. Would be interested in knowing how to restrict access. A discussion on issues of confidentiality would be important before implementing it in my field.

    23 Oct 2004, 10:43

  3. Hello, The session is useful to me. Thank you.

    How can I backup my blogs ? Is it possible to transfer data to Outlook 2002 ?

    23 Oct 2004, 10:43

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