October 19, 2004

Be aware, Google will find your blog!

Follow-up to Chasing Che book review from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

Since the launch of Warwick Blogs i've been constantly telling people that if they write entries that are accessible to 'anyone', then Google will index your blog. Our system attracts such good Google rankings that your entry will come to the top or near to the top of peoples searches.

For example, I recently wrote a review of the book Chasing Che. If you do a Google search for that book, my review will be listed near or at the top of the results. This is a really good thing if your want your work to get noticed, and has the potential to promote Warwick's researchers. You will also probably find that, after a short time writing a blog, doing a search for your name will list you very high in the results returned. You blog is associated with your name. Which is also good.

But if you don't want your entries to be quite that public, you need to make sure that Google can't index them. To do so, you must restrict access to the entry to Staff/Students, Staff, or Students or some other defined group.

Update – if you do a search for Motorcycle Diaries review, my entry on the movie comes 11th, with only reviews from magazines etc before it in the list!

- 2 comments by 0 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Devon Dick

    Will posting entries in your picture galleries take up space on computer and slow it up?

    Good session so far. Exciting prospects!

    23 Oct 2004, 10:41

  2. Ferial

    good work, i enjoy looking to your galleries

    23 Oct 2004, 10:44

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