August 19, 2004

Tuku, Zimbabwe, what shall we do?

5 out of 5 stars

I'm listening to this right now. It is quite an extraordinary album. Tuku (Oliver Mtukudzi) is Zimbabwe's greatest living singer. This music distills that Southern African characterstic of lightness, depth, sadness and happiness in one moment. The second track, Todii (what shall we do?) is one of the great African pop songs.

Listening to it reminded me of some ladies that came to the front gate of Emma's home in Gaborone a couple of weeks ago. They were selling avocados. They were Zimbabwean ladies, probably Ndebele from near Bulawayo (not Mugabe's favourites). They had carried the fruit all the way. When asked what things were like back home, although they tried not to sound sad, it was clear. People are starving there. Emma's mother has a Batswana man who works for her. He must take food to the border near Francistown to feed his relatives in Zim.

It's far worse than what you see on the news.

Emma and I got married in Zim, in Hwange. We love the country. It's people are so friendly, always helpful and cheerful.

This disaster!

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