November 07, 2004

Simple way of doing semantic mapping in blogs

Follow-up to Semantic cartography to support conceptual development through blogs from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

And some simple ideas on how it could be done…

1) user creates list of personal favourite blog entries and urls
a) by browing someone else's entry and selecting 'add to blogroll';
b) by selecting an 'add to blogroll' option when they write an entry;
c) by selecting an 'add to blogroll' link when viewing a SiteBuilder page;
d) by typing the url into their blogroll.

2) they give the link in their blogroll a keyword.

3) when writing the body of a subsequent entry, they get a link picker that allows them to easily create a link to one of the items in their blogroll.

4) when the entry is created, the link is formatted in a special way that indicates that it is a link to a blogroll concept, with the keyword appearing on mouseover.

5) a special collection page is created for each blogroll entry showing where it has been refered from.

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