February 06, 2007

Showcase: Deep linking to library resources

Follow-up to Second Arts Faculty E–learning Exhibition Lunch from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

I have just completed another showcase poster ready for the Arts Faculty E-learning Exhibition on Friday 9th February. This poster demonstrates how we can build a Sitebuilder page with deep links to online books and journals provided by the University of Warwick Library. Such links can be of great use in both on-site and online teaching.

The showcase is based around the demo deep-linked reading list created by Madeline McKerchar (now of Cambridge University) for the Online MA in History.

Deep linking demo page

The text of the poster reads as follows:

The University of Warwick Library offers an extensive range of online electronic resources, including books and journals. These resources can be accessed by students over the internet anywhere in the world at any time. You can easily build a Sitebuilder 2 page containing a list of links directly to these resources. Such direct connections are called “deep links”.

It is important to remember that many of these resources are provided by external organisations. To ensure that the web addresses that you provide stay operational over time, you should use the linking facilities provided by the Library. For example, the Build-a-Link tool can be used to generate stable urls (demo on the poster). Talk to your subject librarian for more details and guidance.

The poster gives the following useful links:

And the poster can be downloaded as a PDF from this page (login required).

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Catherine Fenn

    Any thoughts on DOI use?

    e.g. “Reading List”: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/study/cpd/subject_index/dentistry/modules/occlusion/0207/reading/

    Found Google Scholar a familiar friendly way of tracking articles – Jen posted a useful blog entry on this yesterday.

    06 Feb 2007, 14:11

  2. Jenny Delasalle

    Hi Catherine,

    Glad you liked my blog posting on Google Scholar. If you track back there are also postings about DOIs on there too.

    I would use the DOI based URL in preference to a Build-a-Link created URL, if you know the DOI. But in many instances you don’t know the DOI, or even if the item is available electronically, or if it is available electronically, whether you will have access to it through Warwick’s subscriptions, and even if it meets all those criteria, whether there is a DOI for that particular item. Build-a-Link gets round all those issues if your starting point is an existing reading list. But if you’re selecting new material for a reading list it is definitely worth noting the DOI and using that to create a link by appending it to the string:

    There are some tools available for finding DOIs that are discussed on the RIU blog, too.

    06 Feb 2007, 15:56

  3. Catherine Fenn

    Thanks Jen, will track back through the RIU Blog before we meet for lunch next Wednesday

    07 Feb 2007, 13:08

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