December 07, 2004

PhD proposal accepted

Follow-up to PhD proposal submitted from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

Yesterday I recieved a nice letter from Johannes Roessler of the Philosophy Department informing me that my application to do a PhD has been accepted. As i've actually started a PhD there twice before, it's not a big surprise, although the proposal that i've made this time is I think more radical and less predictably following in the usual continental phil-lit tradition. I have chosen a theme or problem that crosses all kinds of areas of philosophy, and which has immediate application.

My application has in fact been approved for September, although I had applied to start in January. But that might not be a bad thing, as i really need to do some planning and develop some better working practices first before starting. I think i'll ease my way into it, starting with attending a couple of taught courses. That will be a useful thing to do in many ways, as it will also help to give me a better understanding of the teaching and learning process.

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  1. Congratulations! Are you worried about making the transition back to academia after doing "real jobs" for so long?

    07 Dec 2004, 12:44

  2. Robert O'Toole

    Thanks. I think it will actually be much easier now. I suppose that because much of my work is like doing research anyway the skills will transfer. I'm much more systematic now, and much more confident because of it. I'll still be working full-time, which i think will be fine as I tend to do most of my philosophy work at 4am on Saturday mornings.

    07 Dec 2004, 12:52

  3. Congrats :)

    07 Dec 2004, 13:35

  4. Steven Carpenter

    Congrats Rob. :-)

    07 Dec 2004, 13:56

  5. This sounds interesting-and 4am is a wonderful work time!

    don't suppose you can share any of your proposal with the blogging public?

    07 Dec 2004, 14:57

  6. Well done. Someone on Warwick Blogs has achieved something ;)

    07 Dec 2004, 23:30

  7. (Belated) congratulations! It sounds like a great research project. Are you planning to attend any courses next term?

    20 Dec 2004, 13:55

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