May 13, 2004

New blog, same old Guattari

5 out of 5 stars

Welcome to the new instantiation of the Soft[ware] Subversions blog of Robert O'Toole from the University of Warwick. This is a continuation of the blog that I have had for sometime at I'm now running my blog within the BlogBuilder system that we (the E-lab team) have developed at Warwick to provide blogging facilities to all of our staff and students, including some interesting innovations to support academic work (more about that soon). To find out more, look at That contains a useful directory of blogs within the system. One of these innovations is book reviews. This is a book review, so I had better say a few things about the book.

It is, as you can see from the automatically grabbed cover, Soft Subversions by the French philosopher and psychotherapist Felix Guattari. My blog takes its title from the book, partly because Felix and I share many interests, but also because the book is itself an eclectic report and reflection on his diverse activities. Just like a blog.

I will be writing more about the work of Felix (for a proper review of the book see my old blog site), blogging, e-learning (or experimental pedagogy as Felix called it), and my attempts to understand the work of Felix's co-writer Gilles Deleuze.

Keep on coming back for more.

- 4 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Josie

    Fantastic looking new blog Rob! I'm sure you'll be very happy in your new home.

    14 May 2004, 10:34

  2. undercurrent

    nb. you need to make links from the comments boxes open elsewhere (ie not in the comments box itself)

    15 May 2004, 01:09

  3. Robert O'Toole

    It's a bit pink! We've got lots of good designs for users to choose from, but we've only done the css for 3 of them so far.

    Undercurrent – thanks for spotting the mistake with links opening in the comments window. We'll get it fixed.

    15 May 2004, 07:53

  4. clifford duffy

    Interesting your blogs is indeed.

    08 Jan 2005, 08:43

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