February 07, 2008

Demonstrating the Warwick Blogs video and audio recorder to the CAPITAL Centre

Warwick Blogs has a new feature: we can now record video and audio messages straight into a new entry. I have just demonstrated this to Jonathan Heron of the CAPITAL Centre (performance and creativity). He has a big new e-learning project on which this will be used.

This will probably the most uninteresting video to appear in Warwick Blogs. But it is significant. Talking to Jonathan about his plans, it became apparent that they would like to be able to instantly capture post-performance or post-workshop commentaries and reflections. So I plugged a Logitech web cam into is PC, wentto my blog, and recorded this brief message. It worked perfectly. Was he impressed? Oh yes. Very. They already have PCs on trolleys that can be wheeled into a room. So I left my web cam for him try. I predict that this will be a great use of the feature.

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