May 26, 2005

Meeting a famous bike

Follow-up to Ted Simon and the art of deterritorialization from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

My GS met up with an old friend at CW's at the weekend. Last February, after I got hit on the head by a rock on a Catalan motorway, it spent several months in the garage at CW's sitting next to a more distinguished GS: that ridden by Ted Simon on his latest round the world ride, soon to be documented in the much awaited book "Dreaming of Jupiter".

Ted's bike is a little more battered (well used) despite being younger than mine. It has of course ridden across Europe, Africa, South, Central and North America, Australia and Asia. So you can excuse a few dents. I expect that it does still run well.

After checking with Dave (and on the basis that I'm a member of the Order of Jupiter), we took a few photos. Here's me on the bike:

And Martin:

Notice the photo on the side of the pannier, which is of the world map on the side of Ted's original round the world bike from 1972, which is now in Coventry's Transport Museum:

And finally, a photo of our three bkes:

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