June 09, 2004

Image upload and gallery functionality

Just a quick test of this new functionality. A picture of my nice Dakar, which I shall soon be collecting from Dorset.

- 4 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. how you uploaded it?

    09 Jun 2004, 14:46

  2. Robert O'Toole

    The interface is a bit basic at the moment as Kieran is still working on it. If you go to Blog Admin, you should see a button for Admin Your Images. This allows you to upload an image into your default gallery. Once it is in there, you should see that the address of the image is stated. At the moment you have to copy that address, and then in a new entry insert it as the url for an embedded image.

    09 Jun 2004, 14:51

  3. i've tried that – but it doesn't seem to be happening


    this is what i'm sticking in – but no luck

    am I being thick?

    09 Jun 2004, 18:31

  4. Robert O'Toole

    I've uploaded a screenshot that should help to the forums thread on images link

    09 Jun 2004, 20:08

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