June 03, 2004

I am just plain stupid

Oh what a stupid stupid thing to do! The old BMW motorcycle that I use to commute from Leamington station has leaded cylinders heads. To cope with modern unleaded fuel I have to add a small quantity of additive to every tankfull. This comes in a plastic bottle that I always carry with me. Not a problem.

Recently I offered to put up some posters in the Humanities Building for Steve B. I needed a sufficient supply of drawing pins to achieve this, so I grabbed a box from the stationary cupboard and put them into a side pocket of my bag. The same pocket that I keep the fuel additive in. Heading for a problem.

At some point the box of pins must have opened, spilling out its contents at the bottom of the pocket. The bottle of fuel additive must have become pressed down onto the pins, puncturing a hole in the bottle. Problem.

So now my bag smells like a petrol station, and is probably rather flammable.

- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. be careful where you chuck yer cigarette butts

    03 Jun 2004, 21:15

  2. Steve Carpenter

    You should try having a diesel car. It doesn't matter how careful you are the damn stuff gets on your hands when you fill up, either because some hairy van driver has sloshed it all over the pump handle, there are no gloves available or the pump drips as you pull it out of the filler hole.

    03 Jun 2004, 21:59

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