October 12, 2004

Guerrilla PDP

No explanation, I'm just using this entry to establish that I'm the first person anywhere to use this phrase. One day it will be the title of a conference paper, and then perhaps a book. Although I suspect that the highly acclaimed IT training company Developmentor have somehow patented this kind of title (they do Guerrilla Java, Guerrilla SQL etc).

Updated 18/10/04

OK, an explanation then. PDP means personal development process. It refers to an organised and clearly identified process of personal development that students are expected to follow during their courses. Having some kind of formal approach to PDP is now a requirement for UK universities set by the QAA. PDP involves recording and reflecting on progress, choices etc. That's why blogs are useful for it. Here's an article that explains it.

The guerrilla part of the phrase refers to the fact that, in a university that is as subject and department focussed as Warwick, we have to sneak in components of PDP sureptitiously.

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