April 28, 2005

Google Print – free books

Writing about web page http://print.google.com/

Google are moving into the digital library business, and I am one of their first authors.

More plans for world domination are emerging out of the Google Incubator. Google Print, they intend, will eventually contain everything ever printed! Maybe, but at least I can confirm that already even the work of very obscure philosophers is in their easily searchable system. For example, a search for O'Toole results in this kind of slightly rabid Deleuzianism (this link seems to have stopped working, and in fact any links to the search form have disappeared from the print.google.com homepage).

Perhaps one day I might receive some royalties? Although this publication is already available for purchase from Routledge as various electronic formats, so only selected pages are in Google. In fact, they seem to have included enough to make it useful, and left out just enough to make it worth buying.

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