May 29, 2004

Giant stick insects

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If you don't believe me about the stick insect that Emma disturbed in the showers at Nata (in the Kalahari at the Makgadikgadi Pans), then look at the description and photo on this page from the Transvaal Museum.

...up to 350mm. including legs stretched out…Giant stick insects are particularly interesting because of their size and weight and the fact that some of them can fly with their relatively small wings. The flight of these insects may be regarded as one of the wonders of aerodynamics…Giant stick insects can make very good pets…

Yes, giant insects that can fly. Superb.

- 3 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Holy smokes. Not really "stick insects" then….more like "small–tree insects"...

    29 May 2004, 09:50

  2. those are not nice either. i have spent time in the Kalahari, but thankfully didn't meet any of those things! VERY glad about that!

    29 May 2004, 13:38

  3. Rach

    It would be pretty freaky to pick up what you thought was an innocent twig, but it turns out to be a giant stick insect!

    22 Aug 2004, 11:54

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