August 19, 2004

Fun with elephants

See the reversing lights! This elephant forced the car a long way back down the road:

Most of the elephants you see in the Kruger are big males:

Peacefully munching reeds outside of our cottage at Shimuwini:

He noticed us watching:

And then said "how dare you!"

And drove home his point with a mock charge, load trumpet and an ear shake:



Far too close:

Emma gave him one of her 'teacher stares', so he ran away:

All images taken with a Nikon F50, 35–300 Sigma, 2x Jessops Convertor.

- 4 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Excellent stuff:) I think I would be pretty scared if a very large elephant came anywhere near that close.

    It wasn't as exciting or as daring but I get very close to a (wait for it, drum roll…) Highland cow. See my gallery – Yorkshire 2004. Had I realised that Highland cattle are very docile (despite the big horns) I would have got out of the car and tried to stroke its cute brown nose. I suppose its not quite the same with elephants :)

    19 Aug 2004, 23:07

  2. Robert O'Toole

    A primary school teacher like Emma can easily handle a naughty elephant. She just stares at it sternly and tells it to behave.

    20 Aug 2004, 08:18

  3. Cool photos. I'd like to say I'd be that brave, but I'm really not sure I would be.

    20 Aug 2004, 08:59

  4. Robert O'Toole

    It's not as dangerous as it looks. Elephants are quite predictable once you get to know them. Although there is a display at Letaba Camp of cars that have been squashed by them.

    20 Aug 2004, 09:42

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