August 20, 2004

Exciting meeting with Poconet

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This was really great. I know that there are lots of people, PhD and staff, in the Uni doing research related to what i'm doing (on e-learning, on aesthetics, on cultural policy) but we're not connected. Our web architecture offers great ways of building these connections, all it needs is for people to start building the networks. Pathik and Red are doing just that on postcolonial studies, something that i've just realised i have an interest in, and which my areas of research are deeply connected to.

And blogs will be so good, for lots of reasons. For example, whilst demoing the gallery system, i remembered that i'd been looking at development issues whilst in Botswana, and had taken photos of various different shopping malls to illustrate the loss of democracy in public life. And quite obviously it linked in.

I also had a great meeting on Wednesday with Jonathan Vickery, in which many of these connections were made. Shall report on this asap.

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