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September 15, 2004

elab & CAP e–learning trip to Sidmouth

After today's proceedings the elab e-learning team with Mark Childs and Graham Lewis from CAP went off to Sidmouth for a few hours by the sea.

Our erudite discussion of learning technologies was punctuated by some time spent lounging in deck-chairs in the sun…

...and a round of fish and chips.

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. This conference is hard work then? :)

    16 Sep 2004, 08:42

  2. Robert O'Toole

    Those pebbles are really uncomfortable! We have suffered in the cause of professional networking.

    16 Sep 2004, 17:13

  3. chris coe

    I reckon we must of looked a bit dodgy to the locals, like a bunch of washed up assylum seekers

    17 Sep 2004, 10:23

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