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August 08, 2004

Blessed Are The Cheesemakers

This afternoon we drove West, half way down the Lobatse Road to visit the small village of Otse. There is a quite well known residential school for the disabled there, with an associated plant nursery and craft centre. We had a nice meal at its tea shop, and then bought some baskets and pottery.

On the way back, just the other side of Otse, we stopped at the All Cheese factory shop.

They make and sell a range of nice cheeses with a dutch influence. The gouda is excellent. You can watch the cheeses being made in the back room.

- 2 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. I don't suppose you are allowed to sneak any back through customs :)

    09 Aug 2004, 13:28

  2. Robert O'Toole

    Sorry, we ate it!

    10 Aug 2004, 13:29

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