Arts e–Squad team meeting – January
The Arts e-Squad is a team of students dedicated to supporting and encouraging the use of IT in teaching and learning in the Arts Faculty (funded by TQEF). Here is a brief report on our recent team meeting.
Here are the main points discussed:
- We have been given £5000 in additional funding, I am to use it to temporarily fund our activities and to write a report on the feasibility of continuing the e-Squad with funding directly from departments.
- Ideas for an e-Squad logo were discussed. Douglas suggested a clever e symbol rather like @. Lisa will co-ordinate this.
- The idea of e-Squad members wearing yoof-style hoodies with the e-squad logo WAS REJECTED in favour of more subtle and stylish badges.
- We will produce a set of business cards for e-squad members to use.
- Lisa Lavender (History IT person) will be taking over running the E-squad for a day a week.
- All reported that they are happy with the system currently used for advertising tasks (posted onto a forum).
- To make planning more straightforwards, each student nominated a set hour (or two) during the week during which they will come to our office (H409) to work. We will try to organise work for them to do in advance, but in some cases may not have any tasks – an email will be sent to the student the day before to confirm. THIS IS OPTIONAL FOR UNITEMPS STUDENTS.
- Training sessions and other dates will be added to the calendar at: Two sessions have been arranged, one on Sitebuilder (you may have done that already) and one on video. See the calendar here.
- Catherine has started to create a video of interviews with first years about their expectations and experiences of Warwick. Douglas will be filing more footage for this. If you want to get involved, talk to Catherine. There will be more videos to produce soon.
- I have an additional £5000 to run the Warwick Podcasts student competition again. Help will be needed for this. You may also want to enter a team. You can see info about last year’s competition.
- There will be a University-wide showcase event (with posters, stands, presentations and videos) in week 10. More info soon.
Robert O'Toole
Perhaps a session on design with Hannah.
11 Jan 2008, 13:19
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