And the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, who are also deeply cool
Follow-up to Academic FOAF – good or bad? from Transversality - Robert O'Toole
At my meeting with Jonathan Vickery we also briefly discussed my academic work, and it was agreed that I should have an involvement with the Centre. I noted in particular that the MA in Creative and Media Enterprises taught by Chris Bilton has a module on The Artistic Imagination, which overlaps both with my work in Aesthetics, and also with the development of blogs as a means of relating creative work to project development – blogs being a means for capturing and reflecting upon more chaotic creative activities and organising them productively. Will investigate further.
One comment
Sounds really interesting and useful. I know I made copious skectches/notes during the development of my final MA module for both the practical and theoretical side. I can see how blogging would be really useful in that context, and any academic development for that matter.
20 Aug 2004, 15:15
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