April 07, 2005

Analogy for Warwick Blogs e–learning development

Trying to communicate how the development of WB as an e-learning tool puts the emphasis somewhere completey different (ie on independent and informal student processes not formal lecturer processes). Here's an analiogy:

Most people have developed shopping malls, instead, we built a youth club.

- 5 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Good analogy

    07 Apr 2005, 08:57

  2. Leighton Joskey

    Where's the ping pong table?

    07 Apr 2005, 11:14

  3. And the underage drinkers?

    07 Apr 2005, 13:09

  4. "Blog this" trackbacks, that's our equivalent of ping-pong.

    Blog commenting is more like darts.

    Problem is, sometimes it all makes me feel too old. And i'm actually only 23!

    08 Apr 2005, 06:18

  5. Leighton Joskey

    23! Does that mean I went to Uni when I was 10?

    08 Apr 2005, 14:16

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