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All entries for Tuesday 08 April 2008

April 08, 2008

Podcasting at Warwick: examples

This is a list of interesting podcast pages from Warwick University. If you know of any ommissions, please do tell me.
How the podcasts were made

With the exception of those created by the Communications Office, the podcasts were created independently by staff and students. Some initial training was provided, with 80 members of staff attending a workshop in 2007. Some of these podcasts were created by the Arts faculty E-Squad students (a team of 8 supported by Robert O’Toole, Arts Faculty E-learning Advisor).

Edirol R09 recorders are common throughout the university, with some departments also using more sophisticated Marantz recorders. The R09 is quite capable of broadcast quality recordings if used carefully. Editing is most usefully done with the free Audacity tool. Our Sitebuilder web content management system includes a podcast page type, with automatic generation of RSS feeds, as well automatically displaying a Flash MP3 player for each uploaded podcast. Once that a page is set up, new podcasts can be uploaded with just a simple form.

Professional quality podcasts by the Communications Office

Produced to showcase research and teaching at Warwick.

Warwick Podcasts Interviews with leading academics.

Writers at Warwick Recordings of visiting writers,

Writing Challenges A series of exercises to act as a taster for the Creative Writing programme.

Medieval Islamic Medicine

Student Podcasting

Created by students competing in the Warwick Podcasts Competition. Each team interviewed a member of staff or an alumnus.

Warwick Podcasts Competition 2007

Warwick Podcasts Competition 2008

Departmental podcasting

Goethe Podcasts, German Studies Using an approach that links the text of poems to an audio reading.

Warwick HRI

English Department European Novel lectures Simple recordings of lectures, helping to widen access and make them available to part-time evening class students.

Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies visiting speakers

Warwick Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre


Clinical Pharmocology

Warwick Business School