All entries for July 2020

July 03, 2020

Stats MSc student publishes in Early Medieval History

Follow-up to Perches, Post–holes and Grids from Random Curiosities

PEMLIt is not unheard-of for Stats MSc students to find their MSc dissertation leading to a publication, but rather less common for the publication to be a component of a book on early medieval history! But that's what happened to Clair Barnes' MSc dissertation ("Statistics in Anglo-Saxon Archaeology", Department of Statistics, Warwick, 2015); you can read all about it in:

Barnes, C., and W.S. Kendall. “Perches, Post-Holes and Grids.” In Planning in the Early Medieval English Landscape, edited by Blair, Rippon & Smart, Liverpool University Press, Appendix A, 213–31, 2020.

Clair started off studying English Literature as an undergraduate at UCL, but then took an OU degree in Math & Stats while working after graduation. That led to a Warwick MSc in Stats and most recently to a return to UCL, working for a PhD in statistical meteorology at UCL. Statistical science leads to all sorts of unexpected adventures ...

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  • More recently I have noticed the following elementary fact about convergence in probability. Suppose… by Wilfrid Kendall on this entry
  • Thanks to Martin Emil Jakobsen for pointing out a typo in the example of conditioning on a single ev… by Wilfrid Kendall on this entry
  • The paper includes a nice example of application of a log–normal distribution, which is used to mode… by Wilfrid Kendall on this entry
  • See also their webapp by Wilfrid Kendall on this entry

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