All entries for January 2025
January 06, 2025
A New Year and New Challenges
Writing about web page
2024 was a busy year which was not reflected in the blog but that could be in part a reflection of that yaer. Alongside ISCHM12 in March and SOFT2024 in September there was also NuMat in November and Chennai in December - a wide range of international conference sessions. Closer to home there was the University Nuclear Technology Forum (UNTF) in July, followed by the Nuclear Academics Discussion Meeting (NADM) and a surprise invite to WINTEREV at NPL in December. Now we have published the first TEM studies on cWCs we are getting significantly more visibility.
And now it is 2025 - a new year and new challenges now we have just the one post-doc researcher and the ever-present need to get more bids.
January already has its deadlines but with that there will be more publications soon. We have already uncovered more equipment that is sulking after the Xmas break (break being the operative word!)
However, there is also the fact that Warwick University is hosting the Conference for Undergraduate Women Physicists (CuWIP 2025)
This is an opportunity for women and non-binary undergraduate physicists to meet with female academics and network with each other and will take place in April.
So even with the new year the calendar is filling up!