August 01, 2023

30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2023) Gurdev's viewpoint

This was the 2nd major nuclear fusion based conference after SOFT2022 which I was attended within last one year. SOFE2023 is on the prestigious conference in this field. It was hosted UK Atomic Energy Authority at University of Oxford, UK. We had a s great learning experience from this conference. It is always good to meet and discuss with persons from both academia and industries.

Plenary and invited talks were very beneficial regarding the current status of various nuclear fusion devices and technologies. We all had poster session on Wednesday (12th July 2023). It was very interactive session. People from industries (UKAEA, Tokamak Energy, Element Six, Oxford Sigma) and academia ( Imperial College London, University of Oxford, etc) were very keen to learn and understand about our work on reacted sintered borides and cemented tungsten carbides. Similarly, we also interacted with various experts during poster sessions and after talks.

It is always good to have researchers and technologist from similar field of interest. These interactions led to some future collaboration with UKAEA and few research groups. Overall, the conference has widen the understanding and specific needs of nuclear fusion industries. It has also given us the future directions about our research based on the inputs and suggestions from both academia and industry.


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