Reflection after the 2nd PMA PIUSS
I have used the cause-and-effect analysis to find out the root cause of my procrastination, or rather poor self-control. I don’t think I am lazy or just killing time. I have a desire to make the most of every minute. Moreover, it seems like this thought makes me feel more stressful and put off the work until I have an ‘excellent’ idea to approach the question. Quoted from the author of The Willpower Instinct, “Stress is the enemy of willpower. The biology of stress and the biology of self-control are simply incompatible.”
The point is it does take me some time to get inspiration, surprisingly, usually they pop up when I was walking, cooking, or doing anything else except sitting in front of the desk staring at the screen. But I know I cannot just wait for the arrival of an inspiration, and it looks like waiting for a present from the Santa.
The other thing I’d like to mention is about the wellbeing. Some students may find that papers, exams, dissertation have a large impact on their happiness or wellbeing, including me sometimes. I have been learning to control my willpower for a few years, like controlling what I pay attention to, what I think about, even how I feel. It is a life journey to learn and practice. Possibly, the most effective solution is getting your body on board. As one of my friends put it, treat your body as a temple and respect it. Eat healthily, do work out and look for small steps before a giant leap.
Recently, in the L&E class, Paul also mentioned that “Nothing could change our Wellbeing since it is something that comes from within ourselves. It is not the particular thing/person (external environment) annoyed you, rather, it is your THOUGHTS and then you give these thoughts power to become FEELINGS whether negative or positive. But all the thoughts and feelings are temporary as the clouds block out the sky whilst the sun is always there to shine.
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