October 30, 2019

Now I'm feeling more relieved about my account

Learning from the Paul's workshop of time management.I realised my problem is doing too much things at once.

I need to pay more attention to these Important & Not-urgent tasks, instead of just listing and piling all the tasks day by day. I hate to be a firefighter, I hate to push myself to meet the deadline, also I hate to stay up at night.

I really appreciated The Role thinking method, which helps me to clarify the most important goal for me this year: I am doing my Master and I am also a part of my families.

I've tried the Pomodoro last year when I was preparing for the language test. But it doesn't work because in most cases I just ignore it. I'd like to try 52/17 Timer and use a Habit Tracker to monitor my pattern. I think it's kinda interesting. I've downloaded and compared several APP in the past hours, and at last I just leave a simple & user-friendly one to be my assist.

OK, I would spend some time on meditation and then spent 25 mins to write what I've learned today in my reflective Blog. Deal!


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