October 15, 2019

Daily chat

I know I am not good at time management, or you could say energy management.

My former leader he told some ways but I still find myself unproductive somehow. So I attended a workshop called organise your time last weekend. Fruitfully, I not only gain some insights but also make a new friend Sofia, a girl from Greece. Oculus O.02 is my favorite classroom to meet nice people I have to say, so lucky.

Back on my topic, now I can differentiatethe GOAL/PROJECT between the TASK. But the timetable on my Warwick APP still sucks I have no idea to do with it. So I download Todoist to make a schedule for myself. More user-friendly and more flexible.

I used another APP Sleep Cycle to monitor my Sleep Quality, but every morning I get up I was shocked that how bad the quality was on my sleep last night. It just frustrated me. Sorry Goodbye~


There are something wrong with my body health these days, but I got many comfort from my close friends at home. I started to cook by myself, and posted daily meals on an APP for the sake of record. I am going to making friends with food and my body.


I live on campus where just 6mins away the WMG building. My mates living in downtown spend over 2 hrs. on commute~~I know how is feeling, over the past three years, I totally understand!

But I need to make the most of this advantage, so far I don't think I make it. I will make a plan anyway~


Life is tough due to cooking, study is tough because of the group work. I have no idea how to deal with these two presentation on Thu and Fri, well, let's see how it goes. But I will do my best anyway, and Sofia just told me she didn't sleep a wink last night for a lab report. Oh no~


I went to the dirty duck this noon for the free lunch offered by MetaSwtich~ sorry~but they are cold. But, I took a testing paper from their test team which is really interesting. The questions on that are really critical and novel, wow, that's the way UK company seeking for the right people. Got it.

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