January 20, 2020

3rd PMA

There are some improvement I made during the process of the third PMA of FACS, which saves me a lot of time.

  • I calculated relevant ratios first and make a list of My Questions according to these ratios.
  • Then, I look for answers to my questions in the given annual reports of two case study PLC companies.
  • Apart from that, I put off some things after the submission.

All of them looks like quite easy but not that easy to do them, at least for me.

Personally I think the FACS PMA is the easiest one because we don't need to find and read much reference.

I would like to try another method to improve my efficiency in the next LE PMA.

  • Zero draft: write down everything you know out of your brian, without any judgement and critical thinking. No matter it are words, phrases, or sentences. I plan to review and organise the class notes every day so that I don't need to spent more than 4 hours after the module.
  • First draft: Based on the freestyle writing, I would have my own questiosn lists and look for support or counterargument from reliable reference.
  • Second draft: Analyse, Synthesis, Evaluate and apply them into the specific situations.
  • Third draft:...

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