All 2 entries tagged Commenting
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Comments Re–enabled
Follow-up to Comments Disabled from Blogbuilder news
Comments on Warwick Blogs entries have now been re-enabled. We apologise for any inconvenience that may have been caused.
Changes that you may wish to note:
- The default anti-spam question has been changed (so unless you've changed it yourself, yours will have too)
- The bug in Textile that allowed arbitrary attributes in img tags has been fixed
- Javascript event handlers are now disallowed in all HTML elements
Comments Disabled
Unfortunately, during the course of today blogs has been under a malicious attack from a user posting comments under the pseudonym "Dr. Deall". These comments, when viewed in the browser, cause the user to be redirected to another website which may cause distress to the user.
We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused. As a measure to stop more of these comments being posted, we have disabled all commenting on blogs until we can be sure that this cannot happen again. Again, we apologise for this inconvenience - we will be working to re-enable commenting as soon as possible.
Once again, we would like to apologise for any distress or inconvenience these comments have caused.
UPDATE (24/09) - Comments have now been re-enabled