July 17, 2006

Two years

Warwick Blogs has now been running for two years, raising the interesting question of how usage in its second year compared with usage in its first year. The numbers look like this:–

  04/5 05/6
Blogs created 2,393 1,163
Blog entries 32,020 29,492
Authors 2,127 1,747
Comments 78,141 65,242
Commenters 1,804 1,530
Images 44,106 41,821

The fact that fewer blogs were created in the second year than in the first is unsurprising; in the first year, nobody had a blog, but in the second year many of the people who wanted a blog had already acquired one. The other numbers are all down slightly, but two data points don't make a trend, so it remains to be seen whether the third year demonstrates that usage is really in gentle decline, or whether it's just random noise from one year to the next.

- 5 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Possible slow down as the novelty has worn off perhaps? Maybe we're all running out of things to say. Blogs also seems to ahve become a bit more serious this year with non serious entries seemingly being aimed primarily at groups of friends rather than the general community. Lack of blogs socials this years also notable – no central core of bloggers any more.
    I hope these random thoughts are not too incoherent.

    17 Jul 2006, 12:09

  2. Helen speaks the truth. The community aspect isn't anywhere near as strong because blogging made the jump from niche market to mainstream. But you won't be able to get rid of the core, just like one of Grandad's dodgy Hawaiian shirts.

    18 Jul 2006, 01:22

  3. Spam is back: link

    18 Jul 2006, 11:45

  4. John Dale

    All the spam comments have now been deleted (there were 86 of them). We'll keep an eye out for any future occurences and consider changing our default anti–spam question if necessary. Thanks for the heads–up.

    18 Jul 2006, 12:52

  5. more spam

    22 Jul 2006, 19:56

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