November 29, 2005

Tagging fiction

We've had a few enquiries recently from people wanting to know if there is any way to find all the fictional writing on WB, and all the poetry. The answer is that it ought to be possible via tagging, and indeed this seems to work pretty well for poetry; if I view all entries tagged poetry then there are 292 of them which seems like a pretty good result.

Strangely, though, the same approach doesn't work for fiction; there are only five entries tagged as fiction, and 19 tagged story, though the actual number of such entries is much larger. It seems like something of a missed opportunity for fiction authors if people who want to browse this type of content can't easily do so. Could people writing (or who have written) fiction of various sorts consider tagging such entries "fiction"? It seems as if it would be a win for both authors and readers.

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Mathew Mannion

    then there are 292 of them

    Only if you're an überpowerful Blog Admin, of course… lowly students only get to see 258 of those :)

    29 Nov 2005, 19:42

  2. John Dale

    Staff write poetry too? Gosh.

    29 Nov 2005, 22:21

  3. Mathew Mannion

    If it's staff who only let their entries viewable to staff, then yes… Or possibly people writing poetry for themselves?

    30 Nov 2005, 10:29

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