September 05, 2005

Small update

We just rolled out a small update that includes one fix, one improvement and one new feature.

The new feature

We have upgraded to SlideShowPro 1.2 which has given us the ability to put nice little thumbnails in when you hover over the image numbers in a slideshow.

The improvement

Commenting should now be a lot faster when you comment on a blog with lots of comments.

The fix

CSS is now properly included in the headers for the comment popups.

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. let's have a shoutout to the person who noticed the bug?

    05 Sep 2005, 15:19

  2. Mathew Mannion

    Lots of people noticed it, I think you were the first person to MSN me about it

    05 Sep 2005, 15:34

  3. that makes me WINNAR

    05 Sep 2005, 15:36

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