September 27, 2005

Small BlogBuilder update

Small deploy this morning fixing a couple of little things:

  • No more 'null' tags in your entries
  • Tag admin screen now working again
  • A few small CSS tweaks

- 8 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Mathew Mannion


    27 Sep 2005, 09:29

  2. Matthew

    Question for the blog builder people: How difficult would it be to include some basic LaTeX compilation into the markup system, in the similar way to how Wikipedia does it? (link)

    01 Oct 2005, 17:25

  3. John Dale

    Not too hard; in fact it's on our to-do list.

    01 Oct 2005, 22:23

  4. Matthew

    Ah, marvellous. That's excellent news. Any idea of a timescale?

    02 Oct 2005, 10:50

  5. John Dale

    I expect it to appear at some point during the Autumn term. As a matter of interest, what is it that you'd like to be able to using LaTeX?

    02 Oct 2005, 12:28

  6. Matthew

    Nothing more complicated than inline formulae I wouldn't have thought. The amsmath and amssymb packages would probably suffice.

    03 Oct 2005, 11:35

  7. John Dale

    Sure. I guess I intended my question at a slightly higher level of abstraction; what do you want to be able to insert formulae into your blog for?

    03 Oct 2005, 19:24

  8. Matthew

    Oh I see. Sorry. Not sure really. I was pondering how warwickblogs could be used for teaching, and was wondering about using posts to deliver content rather than just course organisational details. Not sure if it is either practical or desirable to use warwickblogs this way, but certainly LaTeX support would be a prerequisite for any experimenting.

    04 Oct 2005, 08:37

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